Offering for sale a perfect example of a Wrenn “BR Maroon” 4 wheeled Passenger Fruit Van running numbers W2910, Wrenn model reference number W4305X This model was introduced by Wrenn in 1974 through to the factory closure of Basildon in 1992. This example is a late period TWO example.
These Passenger Fruit Vans were based on the ex-Hornby Dublo (1970) versions. the tooling was subsequently bought by Mordvale in 2001.
In essence GWR introduced a new design of rolling stock in 1939 that they branded the Fruit D Van. BR built batches until 1958 which were both in the original GWR number series and in number series with their own coaches. The branding ‘Passenger’ indicated their suitability to work in passenger trains. Their flexibility allowed these vans to be used for seasonal transportation of goods amongst other freight!
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