Offering another Wrenn locomotive which has withstood the test of time. Only this version is the much sort after and seldom found Black LMS Sir William Stanier 4-6-2 Duchess Class. Like the Castle Class a very popular Wrenn locomotive. Production in Basildon Essex commenced in 1977 through to 1986 with other examples being made from 1987 up to the factory’s’ closure in 1992 (Period Four).
Later models came with a MK2 chassis and or larger wheels. This is an early Period Four example in lined black livery with running number 6256 and smoke deflectors . It is reported that only 500 were made between 1980-83 & 1988-92. The locomotive is in original condition, complete in every respect and includes original Wrenn Basildon box, packaging, manual and usual holding rings and tissue! Underneath stamped in red Packer No.6.
The Duchess locomotive used by London Midland & Scottish Railways was a class of express passenger steam locomotives designed by William Stanier. The Duchess class got its name as a result of being a non-streamlined,although to engine-men they were often known as Big Lizzies.
Stuart Murphy –
Every bit as good as described if not better.
I have just finished examining the loco this morning 14th August 2019, and I must say, it is pristine. You have once again lived up to your promised description, every bit as good as described if not better.
The loco looks unused, the box is as good as can be expected for its age. Altogether and excellent model.
Many thanks, for you efforts here, I shall keep an eye on the website for more treasures.